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Familiarize yourself with the nonprofit. Do some quick research and skim through anything you can find such as their website and/or social media.


You'll have an 1 hour call to help a nonprofit leader navigate their challenge.
Mosaic Visions
Washington, D.C.
Accounting & Finance

Member since 2024-02-10

Session Overview

As we enter our fourth year, we are gearing up for another round of board recruitment and updates. We are seeking the expertise of a consultant specializing in early-stage nonprofits and a strong background in accounting. Specifically, we need guidance on preparing for nonprofit audits and advice on transitioning from reporting 990 postcards to the full version of Form 990. Given our limited budget, we hope to find a consultant willing to contribute pro bono hours to support our organization's growth and compliance education.


Nonprofit Overview

Mosaic Visions in creating a more tolerant, just society through the arts, education, and alliance-building. Mosaic Visions promotes equity and cultural change for historically marginalized communities of color, centering the voices of Jews of Color. Along with year-long programming, a staple of Mosaic Visions is a virtual, international arts festival, the Spirit of Humanity (Ein Sof) Festival.

