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Express your interest and select the time you would like to schedule a conference call with the nonprofit.


Familiarize yourself with the nonprofit. Do some quick research and skim through anything you can find such as their website and/or social media.


You'll have an 1 hour call to help a nonprofit leader navigate their challenge.
Family Work Space
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Business Planning

Member since 2023-11-16

Session Overview

We are a new nonprofit stuck in a loop of needing funds to start but needing to prove impact in order to get funds from donors. We need significant funds to start our programs because we need to lease space to operate out of. We began programs once a week by renting from a church out of our own pockets. One of the three programs has a little bit of buy-in but not enough to be sustainable because it doesn't cover our costs. The other two programs had no participants sign up but our marketing funds were zero so we've only been spreading news of this by word of mouth. We need to charge for our programs but we're having trouble marketing and getting buy in. The three programs are a weekly homeschool social meetup (this one has participants), after school tutoring/mentoring for children in foster care, and a family to family language exchange program. We have a clear vision and mission but the steps to get there have us stumped because things have veered off our planned course with a long period of no funds.


Nonprofit Overview

We provide space, connection, and opportunities for families in our community.


Business planning
Strategic analysis