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You'll have an 1 hour call to help a nonprofit leader navigate their challenge.
Dewings Center
Cadillac, Michigan
Grant writing/development

Member since 2023-02-07

Session Overview

Need grant review assistance, please. I have the application completed and would just like someone to review. This is only our/my third grant application, and our first large grant - $30,000 (ok, large to us). The other two were for under$2k. I don't know what I'm doing, and we really need this grant for building repairs. Thank you.


Nonprofit Overview

Operated and led entirely by volunteers, Dewings Center's mission is to maintain a community and arts center to provide classes and programs that pertain to prominent and relevant community issues and needs of today, with the added interest of making these programs accessible and affordable to low-income families and children in the greater LeRoy, MI area. Producing and hosting community events in support of the arts and cultural and social enrichment, and outreaching to the greater local area community, we seek to promote a connected community by providing spaces for people to engage with one another while participating in events and classes in the arts, history, culture, and local area interests, and providing affordable rental spaces for private functions and events like the regular LeRoy Needle Arts group meetings and weddings.


Grant writing