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Familiarize yourself with the nonprofit. Do some quick research and skim through anything you can find such as their website and/or social media.


You'll have an 1 hour call to help a nonprofit leader navigate their challenge.
Dollars and Good Sense Foundation
Woodland, Washington
Marketing Strategy
1 project

Member since 2023-02-23

Session Overview

We have created a great product. From there we have developed a website. However, we have no expertise in marketing. We want to get out product out to people that can't afford it but need the content of Financial Literacy. On the other side, we need to get funding so that we can offer the content to people in need.

We are a very small organization and have expertise in area of website development, IT, Business Management. But we severely lack direction in marketing, social media, does our website hit the marketing approach we are after. How can we improve so that we get more hits and people see what we are trying to do.


Nonprofit Overview

Our Mission: Eradicate global poverty by bringing families in crisis together to practically and holistically encourage, educate and empower them with practical “whole family” money and life skills tools so they can lead healthier, happier and more self-sufficient lives.

Our Vision: Empower community leaders to help their family, friends and neighbors become financially strong and resilient, thereby creating stronger communities, stronger states and a stronger world – one family at a time.


Marketing strategy