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You'll have an 1 hour call to help a nonprofit leader navigate their challenge.
Kids Impact Community
Wauwatosa, Wisconsin
Accounting & Finance

Member since 2022-04-20

Session Overview

Kids Impact Community (KIC) is a Milwaukee-based nonprofit that connects children and their caregivers with community service and community engagement opportunities. KIC was founded more than 7 years ago and has operated as an all-volunteer run organization. We would like to eventually to have some paid staff even if it means starting small with one person (e.g. our Executive Director), and paying them more of an annual stipend than a salary. We need advice and information on how we begin this process and determine what we can afford with the budget we have, including any accounting/tax/HR issues we may need to be aware of once we are paying staff.


Nonprofit Overview

Our mission is to empower children of all ages to work with their caregivers to build relationships and strengthen the Milwaukee community through partnerships and service experiences in an inclusive environment.

Our vision is to instill the belief in our children that they are responsible for and capable of being dynamic and change-making citizens within their community.

Kids Impact Community strives to provide an environment where all children and families feel safe and affirmed, valued and reflected. We are unaffiliated with any faith traditions or other organizations. We partner with diverse, established, and effective organizations within Milwaukee that, like us, recognize the capability of children to make change, serve others, and build relationships.


Financial analysis